New Life Live: November 21, 2012

New Life Live! with Steve Arterburn show

Summary: Topics: Abortion, Parenting, Sexual Integrity, Dating, Grief, In-laws, Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Jill Hubbard, Milan Yerkovich Caller Questions: Comment: Since my abortion, I learned I have post-abortion stress syndrome. How can I break the cycle of bad mother-daughter relationships with my own daughter? Is there a treatment for my 16yo grandson who is into gay porn? I came from a dysfunctional home; how do I learn to date? My mother-in-law’s husband died; how can we help her handle grief without the anger? Suggested Resources: How We Love Every Young Man’s Battle Is This The One Walking Into Walls Subscribe to the NEW LIFE LIVE Podcast via iTunes or streaming audio from Stitcher, the Smart Radio App.