New Life Live: November 27, 2012

New Life Live! with Steve Arterburn show

Summary: Topics: Grief, Difficult Conversation, Parenting, Addictions, Adult Children, Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Dave Stoop, Dr. Jill Hubbard Caller Questions: How can I deal with my god daughter going back to her birth mom? I don’t know how to handle a manipulative coworker in ministry. How can I get the father of our 3 sons to discipline them? My husband keeps delaying coming home from his drug rehab; what can I do? What is the best way to address a high school teacher who tells her students she is drinking? How can we move past turning in our daughter for stealing? Suggested Resources: Healing Is a Choice Raising Great Kids Book of Life Recovery Subscribe to the NEW LIFE LIVE Podcast via iTunes or streaming audio from Stitcher, the Smart Radio App.