Eventing Radio Episode 223 by Bit of Britain – The Thanksgiving Edition – Let’s Get Saucy!

Horse Radio Network All Shows Feed show

Summary: We have a little fun with our holiday edition and get ready for Christmas - Judith Stanton's racy new eventing novel "A Stallion To Die For" might not be suitable for everyone on your list but it will certainly warm things up and get your heart racing, and if you're a keen three day fan you're bound to recognize a few of the characters. Nate Chambers, a dark and dashing Advanced Rider who recently retired his horse of a lifetime is looking to break back into the big time with a promising new 5 year old and could easily have ridden straight off those pages and into the co-host's chair to keep Samantha company, while John Kyle starts his world tellytubbertalker on tour jetting off to the Adelaide CCI****