DRS 19 | Forks Over Knives Documentary

The Dr. Rob Show - Healthy Weight Loss Podcast show

Summary: In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show, we discuss the upcoming release of the new documentary, “Forks Over Knives,” which will be released in March of 2011.  The documentary features T. Collin Campbell, who is most noted for his work with The China Study.   This feature film will examine how most if not all chronic, degenerative diseases that millions of people suffer with everyday are related our high animal product and processed food based diet.  Most of these diseases are preventable and in some cases reversible by adopting a plant based diet.   Forks Over Knives Download the MP3 In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… Discuss how mass media, particularly TV and movies can influence millions of people Discuss how proper nutrition can have a positive impact on chronic and degenerative disease Discuss how proper nutrition can lower health care costs for individuals, employers and government Discuss former President Bill Clinton's transition to a plant based diet and how his health has improved Discuss the poor quality of nutrition in hospitals and schools across the country Discuss whether or not a plant based diet is realistic for most Americans What Do You Think? Is a plant based diet realistic for you? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on Social Media Twitter Facebook