HBM014: Andrea Quits NPR

Here Be Monsters show

Summary: Andrea Seabrook has worked for National Public Radio covering politics since the time I was in middle school. That's why I was surprised this summer when I learned that she was quitting her job as NPR's Congressional Reporter out of frustration with a system that was rife with collusion, lies and stonewalling. On this episode, Andrea Seabrook talks about the true nature of Washington DC and explains the new podcast she's producing called DecodeDC -- http://www.decodeDC.com Music: http://theblackspot.bandcamp.com/ http://swampdog.bandcamp.com/ Track Image: Early photograph of United States Capitol circa 1846, by John Plumbe. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. Public Domain. Here Be Monsters has a new URL! http://www.HBMpodcast.com