17: Judy Barnes Baker, Author of Carb Wars

The Carbohydrates Can Kill Podcast Feed show

Summary: Ms. Judy Barnes Baker is my featured guest in this episode of the Carbohydrates Can Kill Podcast with Robert Su, MD. Welcome back! After following dietary advice favoring high carbohydrate, low fat diets from government agencies and organized medical groups such as the American Diabetes Association, American Heart Association, and American Medical Association, many more of us have become overweight, obese and diabetic; additionally suffering from diseases including — but not limited to — coronary artery disease, cancer, arthritis, and Alzheimer’s disease. So, many more of us have switched our diets to carbohydrate-restricted, fat-rich diets to restore our health and save our lives. We had hoped that organized medicine would realize that its dietary obsession injured and killed many of us, but it has not budged and continues to practice wrong-headed medicine on us. Ms. Baker is an artist, low-carb-dieter and author of Carb Wars: Sugar Is The New Fat as well as the upcoming book, Eating On The Edge: Menus and Recipes for Weight Loss, Diabetes, and Metabolic Syndrome. She will share with us a bizarre story about the American Diabetes Association and why she prepared her second book. You sure don’t want to miss this interesting interview with Ms. Baker. Wish to invite Dr. Su to speak at your meeting, contact us at jevpublishing@verizon.net Judy Barnes Baker’s biography The CarbWars blog Judy Barnes Baker’s CarbWars Website