25: Dr. Dwight Lundell Reveals The Secret Truth About Heart Disease

The Carbohydrates Can Kill Podcast Feed show

Summary: Dr. Dwight Lundell of TruthAboutHeartDisease.org joins Robert Su, MD as the featured guest on today’s episode of The Carbohydrates Can Kill Podcast. Dr. Lundell is a retired cardiac surgeon. Over the course of a career that involved performing more than 5,000 cases of cardiac surgeries, he became increasingly dissatisfied with the fact that cardiac surgeries could never stop the increasing epidemic of new cardiac disease and recurrences. After doing his own research and literature research, he came to the realization that cardiac surgery is just a patch-up job. To help prevent cardiac disease, he understood that the dietary approach is most important and effective. In 2003, he left his successful practice of over 25 years and opened a new clinic, teaching his patients how they can prevent heart disease with a diet which is , interestingly, rich in fat and low in carbohydrate. Based on the findings of his research, he disputes the role of cholesterol in the development of coronary artery disease. He has published two books, “The Cholesterol Lie” and “The Cure for Heart Disease.” In this interview, I am going to ask Dr. Lundell to share with us his thought on why and how we can prevent and even cure heart disease without surgery. This is a very important while provocative topic. You owe it to yourself to listen to this episode now! peak at your meeting, contact us at jevpublishing@verizon.net. Order Dr. Su’s book now at here. See Dr. Lundell’s Biography