28: Hank Garner and Amy Dungan on The Listeners’ Roundtable #3

The Carbohydrates Can Kill Podcast Feed show

Summary: On today’s episode of The Carbohydrates Can Kill Podcast I’m pleased to present our third Listeners Roundtable Discussion. I am pleased to have Ms Amy Dungan and Mr. Hank Garner as our featured guests. In the forums at www.carbohydratescankill.com and in our Facebook group, I have been very impressed by how eagerly diabetic patients are seeking answers to questions about their diseases, other than obesity, such as diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, and more. I have frequently noticed that many of the answers they have received are false or only half-true. My findings convinced me to continue helping people search for accurate and complete information regarding diet and health. In today’s discussion, I expect that Hank will bring up several interesting questions that are shared by many of you, because of his personal health problems and efforts in correcting them. With her writings on the very subject that Hank is concerned, Ms. Dungan will undoubtably offer valuable suggestions that will also benefit you. Tune in and listen to what Ms. Dungan, Hank and I will share with you. LINKS: Amy’s Healthy Low Carb Living Hank’s My Low Carb Journey