40: Hyperglycemia and Gestational Anomalies

The Carbohydrates Can Kill Podcast Feed show

Summary: In today’s Carbohydrates Can kill podcast show, I am going to present you a discussion on hyperglycemia and gestational anomalies. Hyperglycemia has become a major health problem for the last five decades. It is not only the patent sign of diabetes mellitus, but is also an important causative factor of many diseases, if not all. When we carefully, analyze the course of disease development, we can find the link of hyperglycemia. Carbohydrate foods are the major supplier for blood glucose. Hence, excess carbohydrate consumption is responsible for hyperglycemia, subsequent inflammation, and disease initiation. To no exception, hyperglycemia has ill impacts on the reproductive system of both men and women. In light of an increasing prevalence of diabetes mellitus during the recent years, an increase in gestational anomalies will follow unless we educate the public about the terrible consequences of hyperglycemia and with the knowledge of healthy dieting by carefully restricting carbohydrate foods. As that in my continuing efforts of sharing my knowledge with you about diet and health, let’s begin my discussion with you now. Website: www.carbohydratescankill.com Transcript: Hyperglycemia and Gestational Anomalies (1 of 4) Hyperglycemia and Gestational Anomalies (2 of 4) Hyperglycemia and Gestational Anomalies (3 of 4) Hyperglycemia and Gestational Anomalies (4 of 4)