49: Diabetes Mellitus with Ron Raab on Insulin For Life

The Carbohydrates Can Kill Podcast Feed show

Summary: file size: 30.4mb For today’s episode of The Carbohydrates Can Kill Podcast, the fourth episode of a special series on diabetes mellitus, I am honored to have Mr. Ron Raab as my featured guest. By this time, you have already listened to the interviews with three of my guests on diabetes mellitus. All of them have told you how one can prevent or manage diabetes mellitus. However, some of us may be the victim of type 1 diabetes mellitus and whose pancreas does not produce insulin. Although I have continued to believe dietary management is the best for the diabetic patients, I fully understand the need of insulin in some of these diabetic patients. However, insulin is not an affordable life-saving product to everyone, especially those in the undeveloped countries. Mr. Raab, a type 1 diabetic himself, has long recognized such a serious situation, and actively involved himself in a noble cause for collecting donations of insulin from various sources and providing them to those who need insulin but cannot afford it. In this interview, I am going to ask Mr. Raab about his own experience with diabetes mellitus and his involvement with the charity organization, Insulin For Life. Like myself, I think you want me to start this interesting interview ASAP. Please tune in now! Links Mr. Raab’s BIO Website: www.insulinforlife.org