81: Dana Carpender Offers Low-Carb Menus and Recipes

The Carbohydrates Can Kill Podcast Feed show

Summary: Happy Holidays to you, my dear listener. I also hope that you enjoyed eating low-carb dinners and fun parties for this special holiday season. To continue my effort in helping you collect more delicious menus and recipes, another famous recipe-writer, Ms. Dana Carpender, is joining me today as my featured guest for The Carbohydrates Can Kill Podcast. Ms. Carpender is a best-selling cookbook writer who had health problems until she realized that her consumption of carbohydrates was at fault. She changed her health with carbohydrate restriction, and began to write cookbooks for sharing her menus and recipes with someone like you who want to restore your health with carbohydrate restriction. I am sure that you want to know what menus and recipes Ms. Carpender is going to offer. Let us tune in and start my interview with her now. Link for Ms. Carpender’ website, Hold The Toast (http://holdthetoast.com/)