99: Dwight Lundell, M.D. on Cardiovascular Disease and Diet, Part 2

The Carbohydrates Can Kill Podcast Feed show

Summary: Beginning last week, I have been producing a special series on Cardiovascular Disease and Diet for the Carbohydrates Can Kill Podcast Show. I have the honor of inviting Dr. Dwight Lundell, M.D. back here as my featured guest for the conclusion of our very interesting conversation. The cardiovascular system, like other systems of the body, is subject to disease development by improper diet. Contrary to the conventional wisdom that cholesterol plays a major role in impacting the health of the cardiovascular system, an increasing number of evidence has shown inflammation is the real culprit of cardiovascular diseases. It is important to understand that without inflammation, cholesterol alone does not cause cardiovascular disease. And, it is more important to recognize where the inflammation starts. The answer is hyperglycemia. Dr. Lundel was so disappointed with his successful career in cardiovascular surgery because he found that his skillful surgical technique did not prevent his patients from recurrence of cardiovascular disease. I am going to ask Dr. Lundell to help us understand about cholesterol, statins, and cardiovascular disease. Are you ready for this interesting interview? Let’s start.   About Dwight Lundell, M.D.   Dr. Lundell is a retired cardiac surgeon. While performing more than 5,000 cases of cardiac surgeries, he was increasingly dissatisfied with the fact cardiac surgeries could never stop an increasing number of new cardiac disease and recurrences. After doing his own research and literature research, he found cardiac surgery is just a patch-up job. To help prevent cardiac disease, he understood that the dietary approach is most important and effective. In 2003, he left his successful practice of over 25 years and entered a new practice with teaching his patients about how they can prevent heart disease with diet, which, interestingly, is rich in fat and low in carbohydrate. With the findings of his research, he disputes the role of cholesterol in the development of coronary artery disease. He has published two books, “The Cholesterol Lie” and “The Cure for Heart Disease.”   http://truthaboutheartdisease.org/dr-dwight-lundell/   Order my book: Carbohydrates Can Kill. Want to support my campaign? Please click the “Donate” button in the right-hand column of this page. Contact Me