So Anyway…

Sessions With Slau show

Summary: So anyway… where was I? It's only been about 23 months since the previous episode. Geez… What can I say? There's too much to explain. I'll catch you guys up with the goings on over time but, for now, here are some of the things I talk about in this episode: <a href="">METAlliance</a> A couple of years ago, I attended the "In Session" event at Avatar Studios. This was a weekend of sessions with the likes of Al schmitt, Phil Ramone, George Massenburg, Elliot Scheiner, Frank Filipetti, Ed Cherney and Chuck Ainlay. It was a fabulous workshop and one of the most enjoyable events I've ever attended. from what I understand, there's one coming up early next year. If you have an opportunity to attend—do it. Studio Renovation Well, I don't know what exactly to call it. It started out as a remodel, turned into a renovation but ultimately could be considered a rebuild. I'll eventually do an episode on the whole process but I'd like to do it in a video format. I'll probably need to enlist the help of somebody to shoot and edit. Orchestral Recording Last year was one of those years when I flew to Kiev to record an orchestra for Sulyma Productions. This time, my wife flew out toward the end of our week there and we stayed a few extra days. Again, I'll probably do a separate episode about that trip. Just catching up a bit for now. The Seven Little Foys I did another cast album for Chip Deffaa. This time, it was for a musical called "The Seven Little Foys." The big dilemma was that I was right in the middle of the demolition at the studio so I ended up tracking most of the recording at Dubway Studios. There are some photos from various sessions at Dubway and BeSharp (where I did the final overdubs) at Chip's <a href="">web site</a>. Although I normally don't answer questions on the podcast, I did take a few questions via Twitter right before recording the episode. I don't know if I'll make that a regular feature or not but I just did it on a whim. I've got two interviews in the can so I'll try to get them out <a href=""></a> as soon as possible. What can I say? I'm trying to get back on the wagon… or is it off the wagon? Whatever it is, I'm trying to do it ;) Music featured in this episode includes: Various excerpts from Olga Vinokur (piano), recorded by slau Halatyn at Systems two, brooklyn NY "Pro Susidku" and "Shchedryk" by the Kiev City Symphony, recorded by slau Halatyn at dZZ, Kiev, Ukraine "World War I Medley" by the Seven Little Foys Original Cast, recorded by Slau Halatyn at dubway Studios, New York NY,  mixed by slau Halatyn at BeSharp, Astoria NY "In the crease" by Branford Marsalis, recorded and mixed by Rob Hunter at Bearsville Sound Studios, Bearsville NY "What Did You Do?" by Slau, recorded and mixed by Slau Halatyn at BeSharp, Astoria NY, mastered by Don Grossinger at Europadisk, Long Island City NY "Everything Alive Must Die Some Day" by George Hrab, recorded, mixed and 'mastered"  by Slau Halatyn at BeSharp, Astoria NY "I'm the One" by Slau, recorded and mixed by Slau Halatyn at BeSharp, Astoria NY, mastered by don Grossinger at europadisk, Long Island City NY "Felt Memories" by Slau Halatyn from the documentary, "Felt, Feelings and Dreams by Andrea Odezynska," recorded and mixed by slau Halatyn at BeSharp, Astoria NY