LOTSL 31 Guilty Pleasures!

lotsl show

Summary: First, Toppie begins with a mini-rant about toilet cleaning in and amongst the public; then, special guest, the Fey Driver joins the Shit-Listers as they discuss their peculiar guilty pleasures: things they are ashamed to admit they like. Shocking confessions are aplenty this episode, folks!!  Brenda Boo explains how she secretly enjoys taking advantage of happless shoppers!  Wes Stone admits his love for "My Little Pony!"  The Fey Driver defends the artistry of Billy Joel! Jay the Hauntcub actually succeeds in describing the plot of Xanadu! Toppie Smellie confesses he reads trashy Harlequin romance novels! ThatPeter G describes his food obsession for fatty, vein-clogging breakfast egg-sandwiches!  In the end, a good time is had by all. Finally, Brenda Boo breaks down the LOTSL theme clips for listener extraordinaire, Trucker Alex! This episode's LOTSL role call:  Brend Boo! Jay the Hauntcub! That PeterG! Toppie Smellie! Wes Stone! And special guest, the Fey Driver! Remember to subscribe to Life On the Shit List by searching for LOTSL on ITunes! Head over to our website at LifeOnTheShitList.com and leave a comment! Write to the Shit-Listers at LifeOnTheShitList@gmail.com Please call out listener line at 949-41-lotsl LOTSL Rss feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/Lotsl