Fat 2 Fit #106 – Faster vs. Better Weight Loss

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: What's possible when you lose weight? Climbing a mountain?  That's exactly Randy's plan.  Over the last year he's lost 80 lbs and is now living life to it's fullest.  He's planning on climbing Mt. St. Helens.  Check out Randy's before and after picture. Terry wrote in as well asking about better versus faster results.  She mentions me inadvertently might have said "faster results" rather than "better results".   Even though we might once in a while misspeak, don't confuse our message. We're about permanent weight loss.  That doesn't come fast. Finally, Elizabeth emailed about Drew Carey.  He  has lost 80 lbs as well, but he did it over about the last 6 months. Both Drew and Randy lost the same amount of weight, but who's going to keep it off?  Our bet's on Randy. On the Web Report, Jeff has a shocking report on a new surgery that, while it doesn't have anything to do directly with weight loss, it's lessons are profound.  Russ has an article about the military trying out the Crossfit system.  Unfortunately it's proving too much for them.  Some are getting injured and one even sued because she was permanently disabled. Links Mentioned in the Show: Fat 2 Fit: Getting There & Staying There Ebook Military does CrossFit Drew Carey lost weight More on Drew Carey Recipe of the Week: Watermelon Salsa Listen here, or subscribe to automatically receive future shows.