Fat 2 Fit #111 – Getting Fit Over 40

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: We've had a lot of great emails come in from listeners who are over 40 years old. So, on this show we chose 3 emails to answer that those individuals sent in. The advice doesn't just apply to those who have hit this milestone. No matter what your age, the advice still holds true. We have an update on Leo's progress and the breaking of his plateau.  Micheline wrote in asking about whether she should calculate her BMR based on her current age or some age in the past. She's also wondering about her lack of speed and comfort when running. Debbie has been dieting for her whole life and now can only lose weight when she eats at a ridiculously low 1000 calories a day. Meanwhile she's walking over 100 miles a month. That's not a recipe for a healthy lifestyle so something's got to change.  Carrie wrote in with an awesome story of meeting her goals working against the odds.  She's lost 89 lbs. in just over a year and is going to hit her goal thanks to her plan and her support system. On the Web Report, Jeff found a couple articles to share with y'all. The first one is a long term study that found the higher your BMI, the more likely you are to die early. Ridiculously early! The other article is one that is more than slightly silly. We introduce the word panniculus in this discussion.  Russ has a couple links as well.  The first is about a diet company dropping Carnie Wilson as their spokesperson.  The second is a new workout music podcast by Tom Jordan.  If you're tired of what you're listening to while working out, give it a try. Links Mentioned in the Show: Step to the Beat Podcast Excessive weight shortens lifespan Shoplift with your fat Carnie Wilson canned as diet spokesperson Fat 2 Fit: Getting There & Staying There Fat 2 Fit BMR & Calorie Calculator Recipe of the Week: Pumpkin Breakfast Cookie by listener Krista Listen here, or subscribe for FREE to automatically receive future shows.