Fat 2 Fit #112 – Sleep and Weight Loss

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: Martine wrote in with another question about sleeping and eating when doing shift work. A lot of people end up eating during these odd hour shifts and end up gaining weight. We share our tips for three basic situations you may find yourself in when working the night shift. Rich wrote in about his experiences with gastric bypass surgery. He had surgery and lost 70 lbs., but it was what he did after his weight loss stopped that is the most inspiring. Whether you've had weight loss surgery or not, Rich's story is awesome. We share tips kickstarting your metabolism after long periods of extreme dieting. Terry wrote in to share the new food pyramid site by the US government. She uses the recommendations to make sure she gets all the servings of each food group that she should. There is also a calculator to tell you how many calories to eat to maintain your weight or start losing. It compares very favorably with our own tools. On the Web Report, Russ shares what Men's Health call the "World's Most Efficient Workout". If you have very little time to workout and you want to get the most out of it, this may be the one for you. Jeff talks about an article that says that each extra 9 lbs. of extra weight you carry around increases your risk of heart disease by 50%. If you have 50 extra pounds of weight on you, where are you going to end up? Not mentioned in the show is the Fat 2 Fit Radio Bundle. Buy both Season One and our book, Fat 2 Fit: Getting There & Staying There, in digital form for a substantial discount. Links Mentioned in the Show: Gaining weight increase chance of heart disease Food Pyramid World's Most Efficient Workout Fat 2 Fit Radio BMR Calculator Recipe of the Week: Simple Lime Asparagus Listen here, or subscribe for FREE to automatically receive future shows.