Fat 2 Fit #114 – Fitness Products That Can Make A Difference

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: We did a show a few months back about how to confront a loved one about their out of control weight.  But, we received an email from a listener that was just the opposite.  Robyn's mother is out of control pestering her about her weight.  She even goes as far as to call her mother abusive.  It's a lesson on exactly what not to do when you're concerned about a child's weight.  We've got some advice, but would love to hear what you have to say in the comments. Brandon also wrote in and wants to "put his money where his mouth is" in regards to getting in shape.  He's looking for advice for devices or gadgets that will spur him on in his weight loss.  It may motivate him to not waste that cash he just spent and actually get the weight off for good.  It's a good idea and we have some suggestions ranging from around $10 to $300 that fit that bill.  One of our suggestions, the FitBit, was just purchased by Russ for the new year.  Look for a review of that soon. Rachel emailed us because she hasn't lost any weight after going vegan.  We have some advice for her, and none of it has to do with being vegan.  It's all about the calories.  We also did a whole show, #99, where we interviewed a vegan woman if you'd like to hear more tips bout being a vegetarian or vegan - and made some smart suggestions about supplements like GHRP-2 that can help break the plateau. On the Web Report, Jeff uses a Google tool, Ngrams, to look up information about dieting trends.  He spent hours pouring over the data and finds it a great resource not for just fun but for useful research.  Russ has another installment of "Weight Loss in the Real World" with two stories. Links Mentioned in the Show: Show #99 - Being a Vegetarian Google Ngrams Vegan foods to avoid Shoe #91 - Confronting Loved Ones about Weight Vibram Five Finger Recipe of the Week: Crockpot Black Beans Listen here, or subscribe for FREE to automatically receive future shows.