Fat 2 Fit #116 – The Real Skinny on Weight Loss Centers

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: We're a few weeks into the New Year and the weight loss clinics are in full rush mode.  Both Jeff and Russ have noticed an increase in the number of commercials  pushing their programs.  Don't be fooled!  Stick with your goals and stick to your plan! Jana wrote in asking if it's okay to fast one day a week.  She also wanted to know if it's okay if she has a cheat/binge day.  She's lost weight in the past with these techniques and keeps going back to them when she gains back the weight.   We go over all the things you should do to restart your metabolism.  She was also on the Dr. Bernstein diet for a while.  She shares some of th 400-700 calorie recipes/meals with use.  They're small, it won't take long. Mike asks about eating healthy on a budget.  We found some interesting information on eating healthy both in Canada and in the United States. On the Web Report, Jeff has an article with some pictures you have to see.  What looks more attractive, someone with a tan, or someone who eats well?  Decide for yourself.  Russ shares an Online Multiplayer Fitness Game.  Level up by running a 5K or lifting a new all time high in the gym.  Nerdy! Links Mentioned in the Show: Online Multiplayer Fitness Game Eating greens make you more attractive Canada food guide Jan. 2011 Cost of Food US Apr. 2010 Simple Dollar on saving money on food Bernstein Diet Secrete Recipe of the Week: Crockpot Pinto Beans Motivational Quote: "Start by doing what’s necessary, then what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible." - Francis of Assisi Listen here, or subscribe for FREE to automatically receive future shows.