Fat 2 Fit #117 – Listener Statistics & Jack LaLanne

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: Over that last several months, we've been collecting anonymous data about the visitors to fat2fitradio.com who use our calculators.  We've looked at the data and found some interesting information about our "average listener". Carol wrote in about a new book that offers a new body in 4 hours.  While that's an exaggeration, to say the least, Jeff found some interesting parallels to the book's author and the move Raiders of the Lost Ark.  It's surprising and really puts a stop to the 4 hour spin. On the Web Report, Jeff has a report that shows obese people are more likely to die in automobile crashes than those of a healthy weight.  Why?  It could be simple physics or it could be the auto manufacturers not taking into account the ever expanding waist lines of their customers.  Russ shares the bad news of the passing of fitness legend of Jack LaLanne.  If your only experience with Jack LaLanne was infomercials about juicers, then you missed out on the real work of this fitness industry leader.  We always say, "Life like the thinner person you want to become."  Try this one on for size, "Live like Jack LaLanne!" Links Mentioned in the Show: 4 hours to a perfect body? Obese drivers more likely to die in crash Jack LaLanne obituary Jack LaLanne on Wikipedia Recipe of the Week: Healthy Veggie Quiche Motivational Quote: "Your waistline is your lifeline" - Jack LaLanne Listen here, or subscribe for FREE to automatically receive future shows.