Fat 2 Fit #127 – Weight Loss By The Numbers

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: We flipped the show on it's head this week. Instead of a bunch of emails, we instead focused on some interesting news stories. We've got five of them for you, but we do have one email to share, and it's a great one from Rhonda. Rhonda's mother and sister are all over her to try this new weight loss shake called Visalus. They think that she should be losing weight faster and this shake is going to do the trick. Oh, and they get a kick back for everyone that she buys. And if she gets someone to buy Visalus, she will earn some cash as well. You guessed it, it's a weight loss shake pyramid scheme. It turns out Rhonda knows what to do to lose her excess weight the safe and correct way, but the pressure is mounting. On this souped up Web Report, we have some great articles: Jeff talks about the iPhone app, Meal Snap and it's made by the folks at DailyBurn.  You take a picture of your food and the calories for that meal appear on your phone in a couple minutes.  It work by magic.  Honest! Russ shares an article about a new virus that can cause you to lose weight!  That's right.  It's been tested on rats. Oh, not humans?  Well, it's interesting to hear where the research is going anyway. For Jeff's second article, he vividly explains to us, this infographic, about the dangers of sitting for long periods of time.  You know, like we all do every day.  It has some sobering statistics. Get the Work Rave application and GET UP! Consumer Reports reports on the most effective weight loss program and Russ shares it in his second story.  They lay out all the programs and determine that Jenny Craig is the best program.  BOO!  While one could do worse than Consumer Reports when doing research for a new barbeque or television, their analysis leaves a little to be desired when it comes to weight loss programs. Jeff ends this section of the show with an article from CNN about why there's no magic pill for weight loss. Recipe of the Week: Chocolate Blueberry Smoothie - New! Strawberry Banana Smoothie - Recap Motivational Quote: “It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward.” - Old Chinese proverb