Fat 2 Fit #133 – Crunches Not Required

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: We have three great emails this week that don't have to do with calories.  Lyrissa wrote in asking about her sore tailbone.  She's getting down on the ground and doing crunches and it's killing her tailbone.  She wants to know how to do crunches without the pain.   Check out the links below for our alternate core exercises to replace the crunch.  Elsie wrote in asking about her problem.  Her problem, extremely low body fat.  She's hit the 13% body fat level and some  bad things are happening, in particular her menstrual cycle has stopped. We are put in the position of helping her gain fat!  Weird.  Okay, so there is one question on calories in a round about way.  Jennifer wants to know how many calories she should be eating because she found out she's newly pregnant.  We did a show completely about pregnancy, but we take this opportunity to go over how you'll gain weight during your pregnancy. On the Web Report, Russ talks about the benefits of eating grapefruit.  You all remember the grapefruit diet.  Well, there might have been something to that diet after all.  Jeff shares some studies about metabolism from the May Clinic.   Jeff has a second article to share about a woman in Canada that wrote her own obituary when she was put on a waiting list to have gastric bypass surgery. Links Mentioned in the Show: Core stability ball exercises Exercise ball workout Great abs without crunches Bodybuilding.com on crunches Fat 2 Fit #86 on Pregnancy Fat 2 Fit: Getting There & Staying There Slow Metabolism? Speed Up Metabolism 10 Weight Loss Tips Diet Doctor on grapefruit Woman writes her own obituary Best butt exercises 5 exercises better than crunches Recipe of the Week: Low-Carb Chicken Tenders Motivational Quote: "No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everybody on the couch."  - Unknown