Move to Dubai – Listening lesson

English Lessons London Teacher show

Summary: -Today's podcast is a listening lesson on my recent move to Dubai. You can download the transcript in pdf or in word format. Here are the questions: What is special about the Burj What kind of cars do people tend to drive For what reason do I suggest people in Dubai like shopping malls (the answers are in the pdf transcript) ------------------- It is not in my nature - it is not part of my personality - to spend too much time imagining the future. Before I arrived in Dubai, I didn't research what it is like to live here. I try not to have expectations. Equally, I didn't feel sad about leaving London. One of the great things about my job is that I can work from any country in the world. I was ready to leave London. I wanted to see if working in a new place was inspiring for me. I wanted to find out if it helped me make podcasts and videos. I also hoped it would give me a better understanding of the world. When my plane to Dubai was taking off from Heathrow airport in London, the change I was making in my life suddenly hit me. I suddenly became aware of what I was doing. I was leaving everything and beginning a new chapter of my life. At that moment, I felt a rush of emotion. It was a strong feeling in my heart and throat. Some tears came to my eyes. It wasn't sadness, however. I suddenly  realised that my life was about to change. Anything could happen. Everything was opportunity. I haven't yet been in Dubai for very long so there is only a little I can tell you. Of course you know it is very hot here. Dubai is a city built in a desert. This is difficult for me to get used to. It is the hottest place I have ever visited. I don't go outside until late afternoon, when the sun begins to go down. The air also has tiny particles - small bits of sand - in it. This sand makes my eyes sore. I rub my eyes with my fingers, and this makes my eyes red. I also feel lethargic in this heat - lethargic is an adjective for when you feel tired and lack energy. The city - or is it a state? - sorry but I just don't know - is much bigger than I imagined. It is spread out. There is a lot of empty space between buildings. This is the opposite to London, where it is crowded, and buildings are very close to each other. My first impression is that there is a lot to buy here. It also seems people enjoy shopping as a hobby. People socialise in the shopping malls, perhaps because they are cool - as in not hot. The shopping malls have good air conditioning. These malls also have many fast food outlets - informal restaurants where you can eat unhealthy food. They have many fast food outlets I have never seen before. Hot weather and lots of junk food is not a healthy combination. One road I remember seeing is very long and has car showrooms all along it. All the luxury car brands are there. There certainly are a lot of rich people here in Dubai. People drive big white 4x4 cars (these are cars designed for driving off-road in the countryside) and saloon cars (long cars).  In the UK these cars are very expensive to drive. In England, as a proportion of all cars, not very many people these drive big, expensive cars. This is because the tax paid to the government and the petrol for big cars costs 'an arm and a leg' - it is very expensive. Most people can't afford to drive luxury cars. In fact, many people can't afford any car... At night the Dubai skyline is very impressive. There are many skyscrapers - tall buildings. Some are hotels and some are office blocks. The tallest building is called the Burj. It is beautiful and at night, it twinkles like a Christmas tree- light flashes from it. It also has an amazing water show. The water shoots up in the air, like fireworks. I am not easily impressed, but this water show really is amazing. The water looks like it's dancing.