Army Blogger’s Roundtable with Sgt. 1st Class Mike Elliott

DoDLive Bloggers Roundtable show

Summary: Sgt. 1st Class Mike Elliott, tandem team leader of the U.S. Army’s Golden Knights Parachute Team, recently joined former President George H.W. Bush when he took his celebratory 85th birthday jump in June, will speak with us about the history of the Golden Knights and the more than 8,000 freefall parachute and 2,000 tandem jumps he’s completed as an airborne infantryman. The Golden Knights are the U.S. Army’s official parachute demonstration team. This year they celebrate a half-century of serving the country as Army ambassadors. Formed half a century ago as a Strategic Army Corps Sport Parachute Team, the Golden Knights’ initial purpose was to compete in the then communist-dominated sport of free-fall parachuting. Since then, the Golden Knights have awed audiences across the country and the globe at air shows and competitions. Year after year, the Golden Knights continuously bring home honors and are the most successful U.S. Department of Defense sports team.