Army Bloggers Roundtable with Soldiers Participating in the Army's First Master Resilience Training

DoDLive Bloggers Roundtable show

Summary: The Army knows it needs to do more to focus on the holistic health and strength of its Soldiers. That's what Comprehensive Soldier Fitness is designed to do, and it's not like any other Army training program. Soldiers are attending classes from Nov. 9 thru 19 to learn how to lead others, train resilience and teach life skills to others. At the end of the course these Soldiers will be certified Master Resilience Trainers. The Army got to this point through collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania - customizing its positive psychology program for use within the Army. Participants learn real-time resilience and problem solving, as well as how to identify strengths in self and others, and assertive communication. Classes are taught in different learning environments such as large groups, breakouts and role-play that help participants learn how to apply their knowledge to train others. This new training course emphasizes that the Army is focused on a true prevention model, aimed at the entire force, not just people in the throes of crisis.