Nonprofit Spark – Delegating and letting someone go – 04/23/12

Nonprofit Spark - Renee McGivern show

Summary: This week's show is a replay of a great episode about non-profit management that aired the week of December 12, 2012. Specifically, we discuss delegating and letting someone go. What are the elements of effective delegation? How do you balance handing over a project and making sure it stays on track? What should you do when you realize you've got a staff person who isn't a fit for the work she's been hired to do? My guests this week, Jerry Hauser and Monique Ayotee-Holtzel of the Management Center (, describe a delegation cycle they use to assign and review work. They talk about their own experience and mistakes in managing people and also, a progressive discipline process to address performance problems. Hauser is the CEO of the Management Center, based in Washington, D.C. It's mission is to instill the management practices that make it easier for nonprofit leaders to produce outstanding results. Ayotee-Holtzel, at the time of the original interview, was executive vice president of alumni affairs at Teach for America, which is based in New York, NY. She is now on staff at the Management Center ( If you've ever worried about or been accused of being a micromanager, this show is for you!