Episode 56: Second Project Slump, and Finding the Core

The Game Engine show

Summary: As you may have noticed, the Game Engine Podcast has gone quiet for a while. Weve stopped recording for various reasons, but are looking at some options for continuing the podcast. In the meantime, weve got 3 episodes and some iFest interviews that we never got around to posting (these episodes are at least 2 months old). In this episode, Saul and Paul go all introspective, as we discuss a process for discovering the core of a project that wed recently undergone for our Flatland project*. Along the way, we discuss the Second Project Effect as well. *Note that shortly after this recording, we realised that the backlash of the Second Project Effect meant that wed lost too much momentum to make a proper go at building Flatland. We subsequently split the team in two to build completely new projects as a palette cleanser, which has been fairly successful. Were still wanting to come back to Flatland at some point, but were unsure as to when exactly this will happen. Regardless, I (Paul) feel that the exercise we describe here was well worth it and well worth posting. Thanks to Jack Gillespie for cleaning up the audio as much as possible (sorry for recording on a dodgy voice recorder!).