Wednesday, November 14th, 2012

cortandfatboy » Podcast show

Summary: Leia Weathington didn't make today's show, but that doesn't mean she didn't help it. In fact, Leia's absence led directly to a discussion on work, procrastination, the uneasy balance between the two, and how the internet is constantly shifting that balance, especially for Courtenay Hameister, who - like Cort and Bobby - are finding themselves caught in a space where they still think of "The internet" as this weird OTHER, as opposed to simply the dominant means of communication for the forseeable future. That reality is accompanied with a million little repercussions, especially if you're a creative person looking to make something off your talents, be it fame, or notoriety, or (gasp) MONEY. It's a show about expectations, both realistic and unfair, and re-evaluation not only of your own worth, but what "worth" even means. Yup, it's one of THOSE shows. Hope you've got a comfy couch to lay out on. [audio=]