Wednesday, November 21st, 2012

cortandfatboy » Podcast show

Summary: Leia Weathington and Courtenay Hameister combine forces for one of the most interesting hours of conversation we've ever had. Amazingly, it starts in the back of a porn theater, and then it moves to the streets, where Cort and Bobby learn what a Slutwalk is, and why the act of reclamation can be both hurtful and harmful. Then we dive back into the internet to try and discern where the line for appropriate internet vigilantism can, or should, be drawn, if you can even draw lines when it comes to vigilantism. And then we wind down with a soothing, not at all disturbing story about Leia going off her meds while falling asleep on a heating pad, and really, that's the most appropriate story to send you to Thanksgiving with. Enjoy your Holiday. [audio=]