Ontario Morning Podcast - Thursday November 29, 2012

Ontario Morning from CBC Radio show

Summary: We heard why convenience stores are again calling for a crackdown on contraband cigarettes. How much exercise is just right for healthy joints? Our resident doctor Peter Lin had recommendations. The president of Trent University Steven Franklin shared some ideas about what the school might do with its endowment lands. Troy Patterson of the Kincardine News told us about the appearance of posters by some local vigilantes hoping to expose people they suspect of dealing meth. JC Kenny had this week's Kingston Report. Union president Sam Hammond explained why elementary teachers are threatening to strike as contract negotiations stall. The Senate may set precedent and not approve a bill forwarded by the House of Commons. Patrick Boyer offered analysis and opinion. Grade 12 student Danielle Brush explained why she's and other classmates are giving up social media for the day.