Episode 79: American Geeks In London.

The Most Popular Girls on the Internet show

Summary: Whilst falling on my face in front of Buckingham Palace, I knew this wasn't going to be just any ordinary trip. From finding Sonic Screwdrivers to having cowboys in our kitchen grading me with an "F" on my "Britishness Test", I just want you to know dear readers and listeners, that this visit to England has been graded A for Awesome-Sauce. Thanks to everyone from listeners to pod-casters, for coming out to our London Meetup. An acquaintance of mine once described internet meet-ups as being something like an old school reunion. I would now like to present to you, our TMPGOTI American Geeks In London Yearbook and the "Most Likely To" Awards. We'll be back to normal video game discussions and abnormal antics next week, so please enjoy the show. In the meantime, please check out these podcasts! Big Red Potion Digital Cowboys Epic Fail Frugal Gaming GamerDork Ninja Fat Pigeons