Episode 81: Hello, Would You Like To Play A Game?

The Most Popular Girls on the Internet show

Summary: Don't ask me how a girl who loves shooting people on her XBOX, can't stand to watch scary movies without every light in the house on, because that's where Cassandra comes in. She can eat piece of pizza in a dark living-room while watching a guy getting his face eaten off by a zombie. That being said, she doesn't like shooting people in games, so it's plain to see that we are so different that if the zombie apocalypse happens, we'll need each other. Along with a lot of flashlights and pizza. Due to these differences, our main topic today is, "What do you like in a game?" As far as what we don't like in games, we'll touch on that a bit too. Confession time: I remember screaming and throwing a controller once over a game. The name of the game was Anger Management. Also in this episode: Cassandra gets a new television, and fills us in on the obscure scary movies that she's watched this week. That is, when she wasn't drooling over the Bayonetta demo on XBOX Live. Now we know why her previous television fried. Meanwhile, I've been slaughtering innocent villagers in Fable 2, and geeking out on Anime (sans tenticle porn). I have also thought of a rating scale for movies which are as follows: Johnny Walker - This Movie is a bottle of "Fuck Yeah!" Bacardi - A damn pleasant experience. Tennants Super Lager - Holy Crap! What the hell just happened during the last one-hundred and twenty minutes of my life? Mad Dog 20/20 - Movie best viewed with television unplugged. This week's Nerd Rage is brought to you by Kate Miller-Heidke. Are You F*cking Kidding Me? In the News... (chicka-chicka) The robot computer cars are taking over! Ye Old Victorian Computer - Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine to be brought to life. As a result of this podcast, I've learned that humans are contradictory beings and now that we have wrapped up our recording session of Episode 81, I am feeling very human.