Sensible People Say Uranus

Recycled Electrons show

Summary: Chris and Rob discuss Mercury and MESSENGER, Roger Penrose, exoplanets and supernovae. [MP3 Link] Episode #57. If you have anything you’d like us to look at, or any questions you’d like us to answer - use the links at the top of the web page at Follow us on Twitter @recycledelec @orbitingfrog and @chrislintott. Links: New image on an exoplanet: (12Mjup, 2.2Msun, 55 AU orbit, Subaru/HiCIAO during the SEEDS survey) NASA has a secret - maybe: Will Gater’s beautiful image of Jupiter, the Pleiades and the Hyades: (see above) Mercury and MESSENGER: Credits: Audio content Copyright 2012 Chris Lintott and Robert Simpson. Many thanks to Oxford Press Office for recording space. Podcast Image courtesy of Flickr user bazik (