Boston Blackie – Blackie Jilts Mary. 450702

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Audio is good, but runs a little short. Is Blackie on the outs with his gal Mary? Even Shorty seems to hold secrets from Mary. The break up has to do with some nasty racketeers who Blackie is entangled with, and finds himself being kidnapped. Will he be set up to take the fall for a robbery and murder? Is there anything Blackie can do to stop the ruthless thugs? Will the gang believe that Mary is actually no longer Blackie's girlfriend? If not, she might be in danger. Inspector Farraday has Blackie in custody, and isn't inclined to believe his story. Still, will he stand by and let Mary suffer at the hands of the gangsters? Blackie has to put his skills at opening locks to work so he can escape, and see that justice is done. As he faces off with the Bailey gang, the audio cuts out. How does he manage the task? nobody can say, but you know that he will. e