Suspense – Thieves Fall Out. 431116

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Features Gene Kelley. A small gang of thieves is led by Arthur, played by Gene Kelley. Arttie owes money, and he hasn't been having much luck on his takes lately. Imagine that, thieves who steal from thieves. Can Artie trust the protection his mob boss is offering? Who knew gangsters were so patriotic as to have Victory Gardens? When Arttie sees his chance, he bumps off another gangster to get the cash he needs. Before he can find the stash of cash, Arthur keeps digging himself into a deeper mess. Can he blame someone else for the murder, and make a clean break of it? Hey, this thing just might work out in his favor, but there's still a detail or two to take care of. Through a strange twist of coincidence, justice is served through the greed of the theives themselves. It seems that the same set up he trapped another thug into falling for is the same trap that was set for himself. An interesting tale of justice at the hands of criminals.