Jack Benny – Thanksgiving with Alice Faye. 411123. (retro402)

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Join Jack, Mary, and Rochester as they get the preparations ready for the big Thanksgiving feast. Jack is just as stingy with his food as he is with his money. Dennis Day arrives to lend a hand to help Rochester serve the meal. Don arrives with his wife, and both are ready to eat. Phil Harris sings, as his band plays, Chatanooga Choo Choo. Mr Billingsley arrives to share his latest wacky ideas. What's the bad news that Rochester has about the ducks that he's cooking for dinner? As Rochester reveals the secret, the special dinner guest arrives, it's Alice Faye. Alice is charming as Jack tries to be the life of the party. Is there a chance that Jack might get Alice to be in a movie with him? Will Jack's party make the gossip columns? Fast forward to sit in on the meal, and learn about the ducks that Jack shot, and the other delicacies that he has cooked up. I wonder how much buck shot it takes to kill a duck anyway? Alice is nvited to sing a number from her latest film, Tropical Madness. The party was such a huge success, but what will Jack do with all his leftovers? Maybe he could support the war effort? Be sure to stay tuned to discover what Jello dessert is Mary Livingston's favorite. Note: Though she gets mentioned often, this is Alice Faye's one and only appearance on the show. Bonus Track: None today, but witness the return of the bots. They're back, and there's more of them than ever before.