Great Gildersleeves – Engaged To Two Women. 481117

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Gildy chats with the baby over his woman troubles. As sorrowful as he may be over the mess he's in, the baby has a way of cheering him up. Gildersleeves leaves the baby in the capable hands of Birdie as he tries to slip out of the house without being seen by either of his two love interests. At Peavey's, Gildersleeves gets a dose of advice, and sympathy, although it may not help in Gildy's decision. Marjorie is worried over her uncle's predicament, and offers a word of adviced based on a play she just read. Gildy tries to imagine the future, thirty years from now. A life with Adeline might settle into a quiet, mellow existence. Life with Leila could end up being a little more festive, maybe too festive. With his mind made up, he's too big of a chicken to dump Leila. Judge Hooker advises that he ought to try to get her interested in someone else, and she can break up with him. Amazingly, the Judge isn't interested in the part, so Gildy approaches Barney the bank teller. Will the plan work? It'll at least prove to be an interesting evening as they double date at Adeline and Leila's house. Especially as Gildy tries to push Barney off on Leila, who tries to push him off onto Adeline. Gildersleeves is let off the hook with Leila, but might it be too late for Adeline? Contest winners are announced, with others to be contacted by mail.