Jack Benny – Mrs Wiggs Of The Onion Patch. 341118

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The audio is a bit scratchy in spots, it skips in spots, and the musical numbers have been snipped. Other than that, it sounds pretty good. Don teases Jack about his acting ability. The conversation turns to comparing baby pictures. After the snipped number, Jack introduces the play. It's based on a popular movie of the day, Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch. The play begins after another snipped number. Mary plays a mom with a bunch of kids. She had been abandoned, and tries to tell the kids about their deadbeat dad. In this spoof of a melodrama, running gags try to pop up, the mortgage is due, and the family is about to be tossed out. Things are looking bad, the recording skips, the casc almost stay in character. Finally, the day is saved by Mr. Schlepperman. To wrap up, Jack talks to an actress, comedian, and impersonator named Mitsy Green. Amazingly, her song, If I had a Million Dollars, didn't get snipped. It makes me wonder about the purpose behind having Mitsy Green on the show. In just over a month, Frank Black would leave the program, and Kenny Baker would take over on the program. I'm not sure if other singers made appearances at this time. Maybe it was Jack's way of making the transition, and auditioning new tallent. PS: Check out a Retro Original with Bonus tracks with the following link: Jack Benny 341118 Mrs Wiggs Of The Onion Patch (retro245)