Red Skelton – Supermarkets, Food Shopping. 411118.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Features Wonderful Smith, Ozzie Nelson, and Harriot Hilliard. After Ozzie plays a long, swinging, opening number, I I I, Red is introduced. Red talks about how he has been doing his Thanksgiving shopping in one of those new supermarkets. Also the recent earthquake, and it's affect on the supermarket. Harriot adds her slant to the supermarket ordeal. The crowds, the prices, the long lines, the holiday. Ozzie talks to Red about the produce department. Time for a sponsor break. Next up, Harriot plays a little girl who sings a song about her boyfriend. Ozzie adds to the story in song, and the two grow into an older part to sing about their love. Why Don't We Do This More Often? Wonderful Smith talks with Red about Thanksgiving, his plans, and table manners. Wonderful makes a phone call to lock on some dinner plans. Red invites the cast to his house for a dinner party. Red shows different ways people spend thanksgiving. First a football coach, who runs dinner like plays of a game. Then folks who buy a bird in advance to fatten it up. Clem Kadiddlehopper tries to dress his turkey for the big day. Ozzie plays, Take the A Train. Red talks with Ozzie about football, which is a lead in for the mid show commercial. Then a round of Junior the Mean Little Kid with Harriot as his mom. Junior talks about having to kill the turkey, and dinner preparations. To get him out of her hair, she sends Junior on an errand, taking a pie to the neighbor. Hmm... bad move mom. Looks like Junior's in line for a whippin'. Ozzie plays a transitional tune into the commercial.