Gunsmoke – Brother Whelp. 561118

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Chester marvels at the world of knowledge that can be unlocked by books, then Tassie enters with a problem. A man from her past is returning to Dodge and she seeks protection from Matt. The man is possessive, and though his brother Tom has since married Tassie, he holds to the thought that she's still his gal. Is the bad blood between the brothers serious enough to result in murder? Can Tom buy out his brother's share of the ranch? Even if he does, will it solve anything between them? In the jail, Matt shows Doc a thing or two about poker, and the skills behind bluffing and calling a long shot. The time for the brotherly showdown has come, and Matt takes Chester to check on the matter. Is there anything Matt can try to do to stop the killing? There just might be a trump card up his sleeve.