Quiet Please – My Son John. 481128

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Ernest Chapel plays a very lonely man who has a son who died. His naration goes on to tell about his son John, and how he went off to serve in the Army, and died within months of landing in Austria. His grief is inconsolable. He feels robbed of the treasures he holds dear, and visits a medium, a spiritualist, who tries to help him. Is there a way to get his son back? Is there a way to bring John back from the grave? Using some techniques of the medium, and in a darkened room, the disembodied voice of his son comes to him. He describes his last days. Will the father be able to handle this? Does this mean that John has returned to him? There's a catch. Now that he has summoned his son, can he send the monster that he has become away? There's only one way to do it, but it may come down to a case of, "If you can't beat them, join them."