Abbott and Costello – Opening A Gas Station. 451129.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Bud and Lou have a new gas station and they talk about girls, work, cars, and things about servicing cars. After plenty of word playing, Lou talks about his new car. Will Osbourne plays, Tampico. Back in the gas station, Lou waits on a couple of customers. His girlfriend from previous episodes returns, Lena Ghensta, to harrass him about her car. He tries to appease her with some perfume, and special lipstick. Ken and Mrs Niles drop in at the gase station to see how the business is going, then Lou and Bud give it to them. Lou complains about all the work he does, but it all comes back to joking about girls. Connie Haines sings, Navajo Trail. Mrs Niles, verna Felton, is back the next day to pick up her car. Lou has bad news about the wreck he had in it. Lou tries to make it right and offers his own car as a replacement. To prove how good it works, he takes the gang for a car ride. Officer Mellonhead pulls Lou over. The insults nearly get Lou hauled in, but it ends up with getting under Mellonhead's skin so everything Lou says offends him.