Let George Do It – Stand In For Murder. 481129

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A man writes to George with a problem. He has to commit a crime to keep from being in trouble. When he talks to George in person, it is a matter of blackmail. He is trying to get out of being involved with a racket, but he doesn't know what his job is to be yet. Though his story sounds like a cliche, George decides to give the guy a break. He takes on his identity, and puts the man under wraps. When George shows up at the prearranged meeting, a fresh body is waiting for him, along with a paniky, and overly dramatic secretary. Brooksie sets out to follow the secretary, while George is hauled into the police station. The cops are disgruntled to know that he's involved, but George smells a set up. He continues the charade to keep the killer off guard, then sets up his own little trap. With a room full of thugs, he plays the desperate outlaw card, and puts on pressure to make them talk. Then with a few phone calls to Brooksie, and the cops, George calls in the big guns and closes the net on his catch. Now here's the real mystery, who is the top dog in this little ring of crime, and who are the henchmen? It all comes out when the gang is delivered to the cops.