#31 -All About Gelato: Interview with the Owners of Gelateria Maki

Podcast from Italy: Ashley & Jason Bartner show

Summary: We are excited to share an interview with our friends Antonio Paola, owners of Gelateria Maki in Fano our most favorite artisan gelato shop in the Region! They stopped by for a visit so we thought we'd ask a few burning questions about gelato: how is it different from ice cream,  difference between artisan industrial gelato, where their passion came from and much more! It's clear Antonio Paola are passionate about what they produce (gelato, sorbet, chocolates) and the importance of quality ingredients - you can taste it in every delicious bite! Gelateria Artigianale Makì Piazza degli Avveduti, 1   Fano (PU) Italy     +39 07211796064 Makigelateria@gmail.com