Listener questions on Kickstarter, online content, and business planning – MBHP006 (Podcast)

Making Business Happen Podcast - Whiteboard Business Partners show

Summary: What questions do you have for your own business? Session #6 of Making Business Happen Radio focuses on questions and answers. Once a month, I will take listener questions and answer them on the show. For questions I do not answer on the show, I promise to incorporate as many as I can into future blog posts and articles. Questions answered during Making Business Happen Radio Session #6 What is that one key thing which a budding entrepreneur would want to look at from an on-line resource like a website, blog, community etc.. to help him or her in the venture? Do you think everything is already available on-line ? Is it enough or is it that there an overflow of information? I'm leaving my full time corporate cushy job. What should be on my first 30 day checklist? Questions about the right accounting software to use. Preferably one that does not use accounting "jargon" I have over 5,000 website hits in the last month. What suggestions do you have to get people to buy from the online store? Questions related to pricing packages and how to target a specific market niche. Questions about how to properly start a Kickstarter campaign. Resources mentioned during Session #6 of Making Business Happen Radio Social Network - LinkedIn Answers Social Network - Book - "Platform" by Michael Hyatt (affiliate link) Xero Accounting Software LessAccounting Software Kashoo Accounting Software Blog post - Four Steps to Creating an On-purpose Business Plan At the Whiteboard Video - Discover Your Ideal Client At the Whiteboard Video - How do you deliver value? Website - Website - Website - Kickstarter website - Crowdfunding