How to Build a Great Speaking Business with Kent Julian – MBHP008 (Podcast)

Making Business Happen Podcast - Whiteboard Business Partners show

Summary: I'm privileged to welcome Kent Julian to the whiteboard today on Making Business Happen Session #8 to talk about how speaking has become an important part of his vocation. Kent is the founder of Live it Forward, a coaching and speaking company focused on helping people find more ways to live it forward in their own lives. Kent is a nationally recognized speaker serving the youth and education markets and the author of the book "Who Wants to Be Normal Anyway?" When I interviewed Kent, he was actually traveling to a speaking engagement, so this interview occurred at a very opportunistic time!   Session #8 topics and questions Kent and I cover the following questions in this podcast There are many people who are wondering if speaking is right for them. How did you know that you had it in you to be a speaker? We often hear that people have a greater fear of public speaking than of dying. Why do you feel this is the case? How important is focusing on a niche when you are starting a speaking business? How much of a new speaking business is creating your speaking content, and how much is marketing your business? What is the biggest mistake you see when new speakers begin their practices? You have a marketing system you use to demonstrate your ability to serve your potential customers. Tell us about that. How important is it to know your REAL target audience when speaking? How does speaking drive other streams of income, like product sales? You practice what you preach about multiple streams of income. Tell us about your Speak it Forward Boot Camp. What is one piece of advice you wish you knew as you started your speaking practice? This podcast is just the beginning Do you want to make speaking a key part of your business? Then come to the Speak it Forward Boot Camp! Kent Julian’s Speak It Forward Boot Camp can help you build a speaking business. I attended this event in 2011, and I learned a great deal about expanding my reach and building a marketing plan for my business. I believe so strongly in this event that I’ll throw in three special offers if you sign up with the attached affiliate link. First, I’ll treat you to lunch at Five Guys Burgers on the first day of the conference. Second, I will give you the opportunity to be a guest on my Making Business Happen podcast or submit a guest blog post on the subject of your choosing. I only ask that the post or podcast topic relates to my themes of productivity, business planning, information technology, or multiple streams of income. Finally, you will get a $25 discount on the September "Discover, Design, and Deliver" webinar series my friend Dave Wellman and I are hosting in mid-September. How can you make speaking a big part of making your business happen? Share your thoughts below!