Where passion and business meet with Cliff Ravenscraft – MBHP010 (Podcast)

Making Business Happen Podcast - Whiteboard Business Partners show

Summary: I welcome Cliff Ravenscraft to the whiteboard for Session #10 of Making Business Happen Radio. Cliff is the founder of the GSPN media network, an accomplished public speaker, and the successful leader of the Podcasting A to Z course.   From Insurance to Podcasting Cliff left the "stability" of a corporate job in January 2008 to follow his passion for podcasting and new media. Cliff is a world-renowned podcasting and marketing expert who has created a strong business with multiple income streams and the ability to create recurring income from his original business model of podcast coaching and consulting. Cliff and I discuss the following items in this part of the interview. Part 2 will air as Session #11 on September 20 2012. You run a very successful business focused on the podcasting industry. How did you decide to focus on that particular niche? What were some of the factors that drove you to that particular focus? You started this business on the side before launching full-time. How did that impact your niche and focus? What lessons did you learn from that experience that you still apply today? When you have faced a major decision on the direction of your business, what criteria do you use to determine if the decision is the right one? Your GSPN.tv network is very popular with a growing subscriber base. You expanded your podcast offerings, then decided to focus on a small number of shows. Take us through that decision process. Why did you make such an unexpected change in one of your key marketing tools? What kind of reaction did you expect when you decided to focus on fewer podcasts? How did the actual reaction compare to your expectations? One of the things I admire about you is your ability to maximize your time. You have changed your business model over the years to focus more on opportunities to leverage your time for more revenue (i.e. “passive income”). What were some of the factors early in your business that led you to change your business model? Learn from the best! If you want to learn more about podcasting as a way to make your business happen, consider enrolling in Cliff's Podcasting A to Z course beginning on September 24. If you use the coupon code "whiteboard" when you register, you will receive a $100 discount for the course. If you are enjoying Making Business Happen Radio, please leave a review on iTunes for the show. You may also provide feedback at feedback@whiteboardbusiness.com. If you want to run a business free of the office, check out my new course "The Mobile Office - Escaping Dilbertville". This course will help you learn the right tools and strategy to use to build a business you can run from anywhere with any device. If you are looking for how to design your ideal business, Dave Wellman and I start the "Discover, Design, and Deliver" webinar on September 18. What did you learn from Cliff's interview? Share your comments below!