Music Moves You

Energy Awareness hosted by T Love show

Summary: You walk into a room, the energy is so thick you could cut it with a knife. Has that ever happened to you? You wake up wondering what your purpose is in life. Been there, done that, own the T-shirt, right? Work, kids, spouse, errands – you're being bombarded from all sides. You're stressed to the max and quite frankly, you're looking UP to see BOTTOM. Have you ever felt that way? We all have. How do we maintain balance and see the good, positive things in our life when our world seems to be closing in and crashing down around us? It's not new information. As a matter of fact the answer has been around since the beginning of time and tonight, you'll find answers in a most enjoyable way. It's a different show indeed! It is uplifting. It’s moving. It’s filled with inspiration! It’s happening TONIGHT!