Tantric Buddhism - Freedom

Dharma Talks by Rama ~ Dr. Frederick Lenz show

Summary: Our subject is freedom. It's always the same. How do we become free, free from the limitations of dimensionality? The way we become free is simple, and it's complicated. It's simple in theory, that is to say, all we have to do is stop our thoughts. When thought stops, a doorway opens into dimensions that are pure and unassociated. They're nonbinding realities. They're non-samskaric, which simply means that they're beautiful, they're ecstatic. The consciousness of the worlds that we can get to through thought-those dimensions are very limited. They're limited by time and space, a sense of past, present and future. We seek a freedom we haven't experienced yet, and we seek an ecstasy we haven't known. Mostly, I think, we seek our own innocence, a state of joy in which we don't feel age, a body, desires or aversions. There's a very pure feeling of beingness, of aliveness that's always there. Please visit http://fredericklenzfoundation.org for more information.