50 Ways to Lead Your Leader

Monday Moments by Monica Wofford show

Summary: Remember that catchy Paul Simon tune: 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover? Well, this is different. Or maybe not, seeing so many have what could be called a love/hate relationship with their boss. Pulling from a course a client asked me to write recently designed to help managers work better with, and even lead, their leaders, here are, yes FIFTY, ways you can do just that. Remember they are people, too Avoid the temptation to be intimidated by them when they’re stressed Do what you say you are going to do, even if they don’t Set a good example Learn how to speak their language Give them the results they request first, ask them to explain why they wanted them later Don’t whine Ask them to clarify priorities Clarify what they expect of you Remember there’s one of them and likely more than one of you Respond immediately when you get their request, even if you just say “on it” or “got it” Figure out their recognition style Understand their personality Determine what stresses them out Ask them to teach you in areas where you struggle Find something about them for which to be grateful Never let them be blindsided Alert them if you even think you’ll miss a deadline Ask them for help Try to anticipate their needs Stay out of their way on stressed out days Make an appointment for important discussions Listen to what they don’t say Acknowledge what they do say Find ways to support what is important to them Learn which things can go to their admin instead Demonstrate that you “have their back” Perfect your timing for difficult conversations Groom your successor Handle problems on the team you lead without having to involve them, when possible Play by the rules Make what keeps them up at night a priority Always be optimistic Be efficient Be effective Get to the point Keep work and friendship separate Thank them for their guidance, help, information, trust Be a contributing team member Understand their communication needs Know what stresses them out and do less of it Demonstrate confidence that doesn’t look cocky Forgive their mistakes Cut them some slack Help them be prepared Keep them in the loop Build trust Earn respect Show respect Be authentically engaged and effectively you. If none of these work out well, then you might consider “Slip out the back jack. Make a new plan Stan, Don’t need a decoy Roy, just get yourself free…” But, before things get drastic and you need to go to all that trouble, and rhyming…leading your leader is really about you being the most effective you that you can be. That, in and of itself, will set you free to devote the energy to what they need. I’m Monica Wofford, and that’s your Monday Moment. Have a great Monday, an even better week and of course, stay contagious!